create user

Create a user



This command will create a user on a torero server when executed from a torero client.

All of the users that are created within torero are considered superusers and have full access to the system. It is important to have full trust when creating users.

Admin User If no users have been manually created, you will first need to log in with the admin user before running this command. See the Admin User Creation section of the torero server -h help menu for more information.

Temporary Passwords If the --temp-password flag is used, the newly created user will be required to change the password at the next login. This is useful for setting up new users without sharing any permanent passwords.

torero create user <username> [flags]


Create A New User

>_ torero create user kevin
Enter your password:
Re-enter your password for verification:
Password verified successfully!

Successfully created user
Name:   kevin

Create A New User With A Temporary Password

>_ torero create user kevin --temp-password


  -h, --help            help for user
      --temp-password   Set temporary password. The user will be required to change this when logging

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Path to the configuration file
      --raw             Displays the result of the command in its raw format
      --verbose         Enable verbose output