db migrate

Migrate between etcd and local file database storage options


The migrate-db command allows a user to move data between local and etcd databases. To use these commands, your configured TORERO_STORE_BACKEND must be set to either local or etcd. This command is useful in scenarios where you are changing the architecture of your torero installation from either requiring or not requiring a distributed etcd data store.

A possible scenario would be where one starts with an 'all in one' torero installation where a local file database located at TORERO_APPLICATION_WORKING_DIR/torero.db is sufficient. Eventually, this torero operator needs to move to a distributed core/runner torero architecture where a distributed etcd database would be required. In this scenario, the torero operator would ensure that they have a proper configuration for both an etcd database as well as a local database and then would run: torero db migrate local-to-etcd.

For a list of all configured store configuration variables, please run torero version --show-config.

The API keys that are used for torero server logins will not be copied over.


  -h, --help   help for migrate

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Path to the configuration file
      --raw             Displays the result of the command in its raw format
      --verbose         Enable verbose output