
Start up a torero runner



This command will start up a torero runner instance that will listen for service execution requests from a 'core' torero server that is within the same cluster, execute any given \ request, and then return any given request back up to the 'core' torero server. torero runners can be a powerful tool when distributed torero deployments are desired.

Understanding torero Clusters

Several torero servers can be linked together if they all share the following properties 1. A shared etcd database. This can be configured by setting the configuration variable TORERO_STORE_BACKEND to etcd as well as setting the values for the TORERO_STORE_ETCD_* configuration variables to appropriate values for your etcd deployment.
2. The same value for the configuration variable TORERO_APPLICATION_CLUSTER_ID. All resources saved to a torero database are linked to the TORERO_APPLICATION_CLUSTER_ID that was set at the time of creation. If multiple torero instances are reading from the same etcd database with the same TORERO_APPLICATION_CLUSTER_ID, they will all have access to the same resources.

torero Core Servers Vs torero Runners

By default, when a torero server is started, it will have the ability to handle many different requests such as create/delete/view resources as well as execute automations. If the configuration variable TORERO_SERVER_DISTRIBUTED_EXECUTION is set to true, the torero server will still be able to accept all of the same requests, but the actual execution of automations will now be sent to a 'runner node' that exists within the same cluster as the 'core server'. It is important to understand this relationship where a 'core' torero server will accept all requests and will pass the actual execution of requests to a 'runner node'.

You can scale out to have as many runner nodes as you would like. When a core server receives a service execution request, it will round robin between all of the runner nodes that are connected to the same etcd server and have the same TORERO_APPLICATION_CLUSTER_ID. The result of the service execution will be returned back to the torero server and ultimately back to the client that made the request.

To ensure that your torero runner is correctly configured to receive requests from a torero core server, please reference all of the TORERO_RUNNER_* configuration variables in torero's documentation.

torero runner [flags]


Start A torero Runner

Start up a torero runner instance that will connect up to a configured torero core node

>_ torero runner


  -h, --help   help for runner

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Path to the configuration file
      --raw             Displays the result of the command in its raw format
      --verbose         Enable verbose output