Downloading torero

Use the links below to download torero from our download servers. You should verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the SHA signatures.

Stable Release - Latest Version:

  • 1.1 (released 2024-08-30)

Previous Releases:

  • 1.0 (released 2024-05-27)

torero (1.1): latest

Release Notes

Architecture OS Download Link SHA
AMD64 macOS/darwin torero 1.1 for macOS AMD64 SHA
ARM64 macOS/darwin torero 1.1 for macOS ARM64 SHA
AMD64 Linux torero 1.1 for Linux AMD64 SHA
ARM64 Linux torero 1.1 for Linux ARM64 SHA

Previous Releases

torero (1.0): 2024-05-27

Architecture OS Download Link SHA
AMD64 macOS/darwin torero 1.0 for macOS AMD64 SHA
ARM64 macOS/darwin torero 1.0 for macOS ARM64 SHA
AMD64 Linux torero 1.0 for Linux AMD64 SHA
ARM64 Linux torero 1.0 for Linux ARM64 SHA