torero 1.1.0 Release Notes

We're excited to announce torero 1.1.0, featuring significant improvements in usability, database management, and architecture. This release focuses on enhancing the CLI experience, introducing database migration capabilities, and implementing distributed execution support.

Key Features

1. Enhanced torero CLI

  • Reorganized Application Contexts: Streamlined navigation commands within the CLI for easier access to various application components.
  • Auto-Complete for Resources: Improved tab completion for context menus containing services, secrets, decorators, and repositories, making CLI interactions more user friendly.

2. Database Migration Tools

  • Local to Etcd Migration: New capability to migrate data from a local database to an etcd server, facilitating transitions to distributed architectures.
  • Flexible migration options:
  • Non-conflicting record migration
  • Forced migration with overwrite capabilities
  • Dry-run check option to preview potential changes

3. Distributed Execution/Runner Support

  • Introduced a cluster architecture model with core servers and runner nodes for improved scalability and availability across the execution layer.
  • Round-robin distribution of tasks among runner nodes within a cluster.
  • Support for multi-cluster setups, allowing for complex, distributed deployments.

4. Etcd Data Store Integration

  • Added support for etcd as a backend storage option, enabling distributed data management.
  • Configurable TLS security options for etcd connections:
  • Client-to-server transport security
  • Client-to-server authentication with client certificates

Getting Started

CLI Enhancements

  • Update to the latest version to access improved auto-completion features.
  • Explore the reorganized application contexts for a more intuitive CLI experience.

Database Migration

To migrate from a local database to etcd:

torero db migrate local-to-etcd [--force] [--check]

Use --check to preview changes and --force to overwrite existing records if needed.

Distributed Execution Setup

For detailed configuration steps, please refer to our resilient design documentation.

Keep Automating!

We're excited to see how our users leverage these new capabilities to build more scalable and efficient automations with torero!